Academia (Social science)2023-2025


 International Internet Day

Date: 11/10/2023

      The morning program organized by the Social Science Option on the occasion of International Internet Day was an insightful and engaging event. The program was designed to highlight the significance of the internet in our lives and to introduce two new apps. The event was well-coordinated and attended by students and staff alike.

The assembly commenced with a warm welcome by the master of ceremonies, Amala Shaji, who emphasized the importance of the internet in our daily lives. Following her welcoming remarks, a brief prayer song was recited by femi  and neethu purushothaman  which was held to seek blessings for the safe and responsible use of the internet.

Merlin Thomas  took the stage to introduce two new apps that have been developed to make better use of the internet in education and daily activities. She gave an insightful presentation on the functionality and benefits of these apps, emphasizing how they can enhance productivity and learning.

Aishwarya TP  provided a comprehensive introduction to the significance of International Internet Day. She highlighted the role of the internet in connecting people globally, sharing knowledge, and facilitating communication. Her presentation encouraged everyone to reflect on how the internet has transformed our lives.

To add an entertaining and thought-provoking dimension to the assembly,8  students from the Social Science Option presented a skit-like performance. The performance revolved around the impact of the internet on various aspects of our lives, showcasing both the positive and negative sides of internet usage. It emphasized the need for responsible and ethical online behavior.

The morning assembly organized by the Social Science Option on International Internet Day successfully brought awareness to the importance of the internet and its impact on our lives. It served as a platform to introduce innovative apps, while also encouraging students to use the internet responsibly. The event was a testament to the college's  commitment to fostering both knowledge and digital literacy among its students.




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